I didn't like it, especially cuz there was that other version where you can use different weapons and whatnot on a Ragdoll which was way better.
You could do better dude. :]
I didn't like it, especially cuz there was that other version where you can use different weapons and whatnot on a Ragdoll which was way better.
You could do better dude. :]
Mediocre, it's been done many, many, times.
Nice graphics though.
Very Nice
Graphics: It was very well done, i loved the animation for when he died.
Style: Love the style
Sound: A 10 because of the Off option.
Violence: A bit of well done violence.
Interactivity: It was interactive ;p.
Humor: I laughed hard everytime i saw how hard the next level was.
haha, that was pretty good, the acting could be better though.
Also maybe better video quality, then again file will be huge.
And yea, nice house ;)
not bad
it was pretty cool, im not sure if someone said this but i found
HeadShot - as a secret translation
anyway tim3 t0 g0 pwn sum n00b ass m0thz0r fuck3rs, l8r
The game was ok, but it obviosly wasnt very fun. Its cool though that you can use these in windows or whatever.
And vack, some people have my flash movies but they got blammed. (like me :'( ...)
this is excellent NICE animations one thing that should be fixed for sure if when he runs and walks the animation isnt that good but the game is still EXCELLENT!!!!!
woot im a dog this gets 5 so i can get a save
good dog - thanks for voting 5 :)
some idiot said it was too hard wow lmao
good game LMAO one of the bosses says : my friend told me i was ugly, please dont me im gay: LMAO wow good job with everything else too :-D
Age 33, Male
chillin 24/7
Queens, New York
Joined on 11/23/03